Paula Jaramillo del Corral
Paula Jaramillo del Corral, colombiana con estudios de comunicación social en la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín y en la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá. Estudió producción y realización de cine en el CEV de Madrid, España.
● Periodista y presentadora de noticias entre 1994-2007
● Asesora de comunicaciones del presidente Andrés Pastrana Arango
● Directora de Comunicaciones y Relaciones Públicas del Canal RCN TV
● Directora Estratégica y Comercial de la Feria de las Flores de la ciudad de Medellín
● Asesora en Comunicaciones para la Presidencia de Caracol Televisión desde 2011 hasta el 2017
● Asesora en comunicaciones y relaciones públicas para Millicom durante la fusión de Tigo- UNE
● Ministerio de la Cultura-gestión de los recursos privados del Teatro Colón de Bogotá
● Aliada estratégica en conceptualización, comunicaciones, relaciones públicas y gestión de recursos del Premio Gabriel García Márquez de Periodismo hasta el 2019.
● Publicista de JUANES para Colombia.
● Consultora y gestora para la ciudad de Medellín de la iniciativa, público-privada Medellín abraza su historia, sobre Legalidad y Memoria.
● Consultora en comunicaciones estratégicas del proyecto de entretenimiento y turismo, Arena del Río en Barranquilla.
● Miembro del Consejo de Artes y Cinematografía como delegada para los Productores y posteriormente para las ministras de Cultura en el gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos y en el gobierno de Iván Duque M.
● Produjo en cine, de la mano de Rio Negro Producciones, los largometrajes Rosario Tijeras, Satanás, Federal, Amar a Morir, Chance y Es que no eres tú, Soy Yo.
● Creadora de la estrategia Legalmente colombiana, democratización de la cultura, masificación de contenidos con Almacenes Éxito. Películas y música.
En 2005 nace nuestra empresa, Grupo Trébol Comunicaciones.
Propósito, país, pasión, relaciones y rigor para dar vida a proyectos, conceptos, estrategias. Paula tiene un alto compromiso hacia las transformaciones sociales del país, a través de la cultura, es su sello.
Grupo Trébol tiene 4 líneas de negocio:
-Festival Suena Medellín.
-Content Lab/Identidad Artistas.
-Comunicación Estratégicas para Artista.
Proyectos de Transformación ciudadana.
Comunicación y relacionamiento estratégico.
● Miembro de Junta Directiva de Save the Children Colombia.
● Miembro del Consejo Directivo Fundación Mi Sangre.
Paula Jaramillo del Corral
Colombian with studies of social communications and journalism, at Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in Medellín and Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá. Film Production at CEV in Madrid, Spain.
Her career started in news casts where she was journalist, anchor and producer. After eight years she resigned as an inner call to be more creative and active in her country's issues. President Andrés Pastrana invited her to be part of his government as communications consultant.
After the ending of the government, she was invited by RCN TV owners to create and lead the Communications and Public Relations department.
In 2005 she created her own company, Grupo Trébol Comunicaciones.
She became partners to mexican film company, Río Negro Producciones and produced Rosario Tijeras, Satanás, Federal, Amar a Morir, Chance and Es que no eres Tu, Soy Yo.
When filming Rosario she moved back to my city, Medellín and, after the launching of the movie, the major of the city invited her be part of his cabinet as director to the Flower Fair, an important cultural city event. She was director for five years and those two jobs influenced her, and her companys’ path. She started to expand towards a public-private relation to create cultural/education events that contribute to generate added value to the citizens. They are conscious of social compromise in the cultural sector and its positive impacts towards expanding minds and a nonviolent behavior.
Their work is based on the construction, hand to hand with the client and their advisers, of a strategy that through actions achieves the set objectives. generate innovative and powerful strategies around the objectives and expectations of clients that broadly impact their target audiences. Their content work is supported by deep knowledge of their client. Careful work, always tailor-made. They connect with audiences, journalists, influencers, brands, social organizations and government agencies and private
companies through powerful strategies around storytelling. They bind, weave, investigate and create.
With much experience in journalism, she has quickly moved into a working dynamic with her company Grupo Trebol Communications achieving business opportunities focused on these economies.
● Strategic allies for the Gabriel García Márquez Foundation for the Festival and Journalism Award, that has taken place the city of Medellín for 10 years.
● Publicist in Colombia for the artist JUANES.
● Partner to the content plataform,
● Allies for the Colombia Hay Festivals Medellín and Jericó.
● Consultant and manager for the city of Medellín of the initiative, public-private Medellín embraces its history, on Legality and Memory.
● Strategic communications consultant for the entertainment and tourism project, Arena del Río in Barranquilla.
● Creator of the Legally Colombian strategy, democratization of culture, massification of content with Almacenes Éxito. Movies and music In 2005 the company, Grupo Trébol Comunicaciones, was born. Purpose, country, passion, relationships and rigor to bring projects, concepts, strategies to life. Paula has a high commitment to the social transformations of the country, through culture, it is her hallmark.
Grupo Trébol has 4 business lines:
● Music:
-Festival Sounds Medellín
-Content Lab/Artists Identity
-Strategic Communication for Artist

Información de contacto
Oficina corporativa:
- Calle 11a # 31a-89 Edificio Bosko. Medellin, CO.
- +57 3158135822